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usd是什么意思的简称(认识各国货币英文缩写“CNY. USD. CAD. AUD. GBP”)

986次浏览     发布时间:2024-04-30 18:37:45    

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There are 197 countries in the world, and every country has its specific currency. Such as CNY. USD. CAD. AUD and GBP. So do you know what the full name of those currencies is? I believe that there are many people who do not know what the specific meaning is. Today, let's go to study the full names of those currencies together.


CNY: Chinese Yuan 人民币


USD: United States Dollar 美金


CAD: Canadian Dollar 加元


AUD: Australian Dollar 澳元


GAP: GreatBritain Pound 英镑
